Smarties Toppers:
These tubes are not normally available in the UK, but are to be found throughout the rest of Europe. I came across the first set of these at a newsagent in London, so I coughed up and bought 24 tubes in a box! The tubes are much larger than the conventional sizes each measuring 220mm tall by 36mm diameter and containing 150g of sweets. These ones were made in Germany and had a "Best Before" date of November 1997. This is the complete set in this series.

Disney "Holiday" series
The rest of the toppers I have were very kindly donated to me by Astrid Besaler from Belgium who is keen to hear from other toppers collectors throughout the world. If this is what you do, please email me and I will certainly pass on your messages. In addition, I would say that Trond Stein has also sent me Toppers recently, but there hasn't been time to scan them in yet. |